Gentrification in Harlem
Ever since the beginning of the 1990s, Harlem has been going through rapid gentrification. Gentrification is a process in which an area goes through reconstruction and renovations in order to change the environment of the area. Gentrification is greatly beneficial for businesses because it helps the economy to grow at a faster rate. Even though gentrification is great for the economy, it is changing the livelihood of people that have been living in Harlem for decades.

Harlem is one of the many cities in New York that has been gentrifying for many decades now. Initially, Harlem was home to thousands of African American families and it was more likely a cultural home to them. Businesses were owned and operated by Blacks and houses were affordable by working class families however, as Harlem started seeing gentrification, both businesses and houses became a place where African Americans no longer could afford to live in. Residents that spent their entire entire life in Harlem were forced to move elsewhere, schools that were full of African American students got diversified, Black cops that were in duty in Harlem were replaced by White cops, and etc.
Harlem: Home To The African-American Communities
Since the end of the Civil War, Harlem has been home to the Blacks. A place where the black culture is preserved. Harlem was home to hundreds of famous writers and poets. A place where jazz was discovered.
This is an image of East Harlem Street taken in the early 1900s.

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